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Happy 2019 – Here’s to lots of writing and reading (among other good stuff).

I can’t believe it’s already the 22nd of January and here I am, only now, putting finger to keyboard to write the first blog of the year. Forgive my tardiness – but happy new year to all of you, I hope it’s a great one, I really do, and that all your goals are, if not met, well and truly attempted. 🙂

Celebrating New Year’s Eve working with besties at my husband’s brewery and distillery, Captain Bligh’s in Hobart.

That’s my intention in 2019 – to try damn harder to meet a series of goals. The first is hopefully not hard. It’s to be as kind as I possibly can (I still believe there’s not enough kindness in the world so, in my own tiny way, want to help remedy that). My other ones are to read and review lots of wonderful books, finish the book I’m currently working on (it had the working title of The Sea-Witch of Caledonia, which the publisher didn’t like because it didn’t indicate it’s historical fiction enough – I agree. Anyhow, it’s now changed and I’ll let you know what it is once we’ve all agreed – it’s due out in 2020). Until a title is settled, I’m calling it “the Scottish novel” in a deliberate reference to THAT play LOL! Once that’s done and dusted (and it almost is), I’m commencing my next book, a foray back into medieval England and Europe tentatively titled (it won’t stay as this) The Whore’s Tale. It’s a companion book to The Brewer’s Tale.

In the meantime, the re-issue of The Locksmith’s Daughter in B Format (see above) is about to hit the shelves, with a gorgeous new cover and all.

The Australian/NZ edition

My next novel The Chocolate Maker’s Wife is soon to be released (Feb 19-March 1st) in Australia with Harlequin/Harper Collins and 1st August in the USA and UK by William Morrow, which is both really exciting and utterly nerve-wracking. The different edition covers are a study in contrasts and both capture beautifully different episodes in the novel.

While I’m discussing my books, I also want to take this chance to thank the wonderful readers who’ve emailed me (and a few have come into the brewery to meet me which has been a complete thrill) and those fantastic bloggers who have reached out to talk to me and/or interview me about my books. It means the world and I am very humbled by your interest and enthusiasm. Thank you so darn much.

The US edition

So, I’m really busy writing – and not just novels, but my weekly column in the Courier Mail as well as an advice column for the magazine U on Sunday – both of which are such a privilege to do.

Which leads me to why I’ve been a bit remiss already with one of my NY’s resolutions – to review more books. In fact, I also fell behind terribly last year. It wasn’t that I wasn’t reading – I was, a great many incredible books. But what I’m finding is, when deadlines approach or I am in “the zone” writing, it’s hard for me to break away and review books properly. I feel really guilty about that because, as a writer, I know how much reviews can mean – especially good ones. I do intend to remedy my slackness (I have four reviews ready to launch – get ready – my reading year has commenced with a literary bang and some marvellous books!), but if I do fall off the book-reviewing wagon, please understand it’s because I’m beavering away on my own books – and that’s not a bad thing. Well, for me anyway!!!

So here’s to a year of good health, love, adventures of the real and lexical variety and to kindness for you all. Kindness to the self and others. Happy being, my friends and happy reading too!


Karen xx

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