Exploring the Power of Women
Long ago, I made deliberate choice to foreground women’s stories from the past and, by doing so, I hope, celebrating the power of women in

Author, Playwright, Lover, Spy and figure of hate: Who was Aphra Behn?
In 1929, Virginia Woolf wrote that “All women together ought to let flowers fall on the tomb of Aphra Behn… For it was she who

“Sin in a bowl”: The history of the chocolate drink
So much of our history is not only recorded by men, but features them almost exclusively. This is especially true when it comes to trade. Women have always been integral to business and

Happy 2019 – Here’s to lots of writing and reading (among other good stuff).
I can’t believe it’s already the 22nd of January and here I am, only now, putting finger to keyboard to write the first blog of

The Brewer’s Tale: How beer went from being suspicious to delicious
The wise Homer once famously declared: “Alcohol: the cause and solution to all of life’s problems.” That’s Homer J Simpson of course, not THE Homer

The Inspiration behind The Brewer’s Tale: or What Was I Drinking?
Authors often get asked where their inspiration for writing a particular story came from. Some people have been very curious as to what motivated me