Ripple by Michael C. Grumley and a word on Editing and Self-Publishing

It’s hard to describe the Breakthrough series by Michael C Grumley without resorting to superlatives and a bit of hyperbole. It is original, well-written, with characters you care for, a cracker of a plot and, yes, while it does ask you to suspend your disbelief and maybe play with science, hell, it’s fiction – a terrific action-packed, techno-thriller series with an emotional environmental, animal and human heart.

Ripple, as the latest book in the series (thank goodness Grumley is working on a fifth), simply adds to this incredible tale of Alison Shaw, John Clay, Steve Cesare and the team (including the dolphins and primates) and their support network that seek to prevent sinister forces from discovering and using an alien creation to wield power and control over the earth.

From South America to Africa, the USA and further afield, this book starts where Catalyst left off and doesn’t stop until the last page. Even then, you’re left hanging.

On one level, I was so disappointed I finished as I wanted to continue to immerse myself in the life and death adventures of this intrepid group and the animals with whom they’ve learned to communicate and for whom you end up caring as deeply as they do. On the other, I was so excited to read Grumley is continuing with the series.

What surprises – no, shocks me – most of all about this series is that Grumley is self-published. The quality of his work, of the prose, the editing, is testimony to how seriously Grumley not only takes his craft but respects his readers….

Allow me to digress a moment. As a reviewer (and writer) of books, I get sent many self-published books and books from established publishers to read and consider. With the professionally contracted and published books from known publishers, you can usually rely on, if not always a story that grabs you, at least the excellence of the grammar and syntax. With self-published books, in my now long experience, not so much. There are times I cannot even read beyond a few pages of a self-published book – albeit by someone who has gone to the trouble of hiring a professional PR person to spruik it for them – because of spelling and other errors littering the book. I even had one that changed characters’ names halfway through and clearly forgot – truly. Needlesstosay, I do not review those books. I don’t think it’s fair on anyone to criticise something that someone has sunk not only their heart into, but also paid a number of people to print, package and distribute. I generally don’t negatively review books (I might, however, point out a weakness in an otherwise good book or critique an aspect) that have been professionally published either – ie. the author has been paid by a publishing house – for the same reason. Unless I have something mainly positive to say, I stand by my grandmother’s words – don’t say it. Sadly, there’s usually someone else out there that’s doing it anyhow… I just wish that self-published authors would pay a decent editor – someone with rungs on the ladder, references and proof of work and a grasp of the language as well. They do themselves and their stories (many of which would be very readable) a huge disservice by cutting that particular corner or relying on their own or a friend’s or family member’s abilities. Books need a few set of experienced, professional eyes on them to iron out the errors – and then some are missed – I speak from experience. Grumley and someone like Hugh Howey – who was originally self-published until he was picked up by a publishing house – are great examples of exactly what to do when putting your work out there under your own steam and money.

Anyhow, now that’s off my chest, back to Grumley and the Breakthrough series. The excitement his tales generate is of a calibre that’s beyond many a well-known authors’ works in similar genres. How a major publisher has not picked this guy up and offered him a contract is astounding. The uniqueness and beauty of his stories, as well as the excitement they generate, never mind the compassion at its core deserves that at least. Then there are the many readers who clearly agree with me.

Even if I am shouting into the wilderness here, I think these books are really terrific. If you’re looking for wonderful escapism, heart-racing excitement, an engaging plot and characters to invest in, and enjoy action-adventure with a bit of sci-fi thrown in, then I highly recommend this series. You won’t be disappointed

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Book Review: Wool by Hugh Howey

Like quite a few readers and writers before me, I have a confession to make. I tend to avoid self-published books – generally, at any cost – for a whole variety of reasons that blur the professional and the personal. I like my books validated by a publisher, editor, copy editor, marketing team and everything in-between. I figure if they invest in something, then it’s good enough for me. Of course, us readers know that isn’t always true – some professionally published stuff doesn’t make the grade either but, in my experience, that happens a great deal less often than with self-published work. I know, I have read quite a few in an effort to give them an opportunity to both shine and prove me wrong. Up until now, I haven’t been….

Then I read Wool. On the recommendation of two people (one a fabulous writer – OK, it was Anthony Eaton – the other was his lovely wife, Imogen, thanks, Tony and Min!) whose taste and judgement I bow to, I bought and read Wool by Hugh Howey and, in doing so, every negative preconception I ever had about self-publishing has been turned on its head. Not only can Howey write (and then teach a few of us with more novels under our belt how to), but also Wool is one of the finest science-fiction books (no, dammit, forget genre, it’s just one of the best books) I have ever read. I am not kidding. It is absolutely brilliant. I want to sing it from the rooftops, shout it from the car as I drive down the street, blab it all over my website, blogs and FaceBook pages – well, I am doing the last bit 🙂 Read this book!

I am not the only one who feels this way either. What started off as a self-published novella of 12,000 words, about a post-apocalyptic world where humans are confined to a place called the Silo, and the levels they exist upon, their roles within these spaces and the laws and punishments meted out are strictly regulated, in less than 12 months, it has become a publishing sensation. Fans in the USA begged Howey to write more in this world. He did. Thank goodness. Now, Wool – or the Wool Omnibus, which is what I read and which is made up of five novellas that when read together make for one utterly compelling story, is available. It’s a tale about humanity, or lack thereof, power, totalitarianism and a range of deeply philosophical and ethical questions. But don’t think for a moment this book is preachy – on the contrary, by focussing this epic tale on a few characters whom we quickly grow to love, admire and loathe, Howey has made this wide-ranging and fabulous story incredibly personal as well. You invest in both the plot and the people who inhabit the Silo. So much so, I was crying, catching my breath, laughing, and despite being exhausted, unable to put the damn book down.

Upon finishing it, I felt something I don’t often feel on completing a novel (for good and bad reasons): I felt satisfied. The ending is perfect. I don’t need the tale to continue (or even particularly want it to, which is always a good sign for me – when, like Oliver, I want more. But here, I feel it’s also indicative of just how right Howey has paced this), even though a great deal of what occurred within will resonate with me for a long time. Nor do I feel cheated. Reading Wool wasn’t only a marvellous fictive experience; I also received a lesson in how to write. Howey paces this book perfectly, maintains suspense, ups the ante at every opportunity, the emotional cost, the sacrifice and consequences. Nothing is laboured. Thank you, Mr Howey.

If you think I’m raving too much, well, not only did Random House in the UK pick this tale up and is publishing hardback versions, but Ridley Scott and 20th Century Fox are optioning the rights for the movie. Credit to Howey, he is keeping the book rights in the USA for himself.
But before all you self-publishing gurus go mad, consider this also: not only is Wool a joy to read as a story, it is also mistake free. Grammar, syntax and punctuation (apart from one minor error I picked up – and that’s much less than appears in my professionally published books!) has been honed and painstakingly corrected. It reads beautifully in that regard as well. The language is wonderful, evocative, moving and polished to a shiny perfection.

I think you get the picture – Wool is a literary, sci-fi reading treat, a genuine surprise and pleasure. It is not “fad” literature or jumping on any literary bandwagon (as many are wont to do). It acknowledges its roots in an old and proven genre and then takes it forward. Magnificent. Really.
Make sure you don’t miss out.

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